The original journal was founded in 2002 by Prof. Marco Leonardi as RIVISTA ITALIANA DI OSSIGENO-OZONOTERAPIA, the official journal of the Società Italiana di Ossigeno-Ozonoterapia. In 2003 it became the official journal of the FIO - Federazione Italiana di Ossigeno-Ozonoterapia and of the IMOS - ITALIA - International Medical Ozone Society. Two years later, IMOS was dissolved and was the official journal of the FIO.

After WFOT's foundation, the journal changed its name into INTERNATION JOURNAL OF OZONE THERAPY and became the official journal of the WFOT in 2007, until 2013, which was discontinued due to the retirement of Prof. Leonardi.

“This journal offers the possibility to publish hitherto unrecorded scientific findings. It also aims to act as a teaching vehicle for the growing number of doctors currently administering oxygen-ozone therapy. Its main target is to combat the mystification and skepticism surrounding this new discipline and establish a sound body of scientific evidence. It also seeks to voice the findings of those who have worked until now in silent dedication, and offer a forum for serious debate and discussion.”

Dr. Matteo Bonetti

The NEW Journal of the WFOT

After the retirement of Prof. Marco Leonardi, Centaruo srl, the publisher of the International Journal of Ozone Therapy sold it to SAGE editors who decided not to go on with this project.

As WFOT's President, Dr. Jose Baeza contacted SAGE editors to try to restart the publication of our IJOT (the official Journal of the WFOT). They kindly told him they had no interest in publishing new issues of it. Talking with his friend Marco, he said, “Jose, you are free to start a new journal for the WFOT”. Of course, this was not what I wanted to hear, but, in fact, it was the only clear solution, so I did it.

… and here it is. Click on the logo to go to the NEW journal! I hope you like it.

Dr. Jose Baeza